Dear Awesome Human,
Welcome to this new journey to find your light that has been living inside of you all this time.
I’ve been where you are:
-seeking answers
And I’ve come up from my bottom every single time. And you will, too. The thing about the bottom is, there’s only up from there, right? That’s the cliché thing to say.
Yes, that is true AND:
-I got comfortable be-ing at the bottom and not hiding that I was there
-I got comfortable not judging and beating myself up over be-ing there
-I got comfortable finding the light inside (not outside)
-I got comfortable embodying that light
This is what I wish for you, too, awesome human.
We cannot make others lighter. I mean, we could try. As a former people pleaser and not enough-er, I’ve tried.
The way towards a lighter world, is not us trying to make others lighter. It is us sitting in the darkness, getting to know it--deeply, and healing the darkness inside ourselves.
Where do we begin?
We get to know YOU. The YOU you may have been hiding. The YOU who may be afraid, lost, confused, and seeking answers. She is the light.
See you inside (YOU),
Welcome to this new journey to find your light that has been living inside of you all this time.
I’ve been where you are:
-seeking answers
And I’ve come up from my bottom every single time. And you will, too. The thing about the bottom is, there’s only up from there, right? That’s the cliché thing to say.
Yes, that is true AND:
-I got comfortable be-ing at the bottom and not hiding that I was there
-I got comfortable not judging and beating myself up over be-ing there
-I got comfortable finding the light inside (not outside)
-I got comfortable embodying that light
This is what I wish for you, too, awesome human.
We cannot make others lighter. I mean, we could try. As a former people pleaser and not enough-er, I’ve tried.
The way towards a lighter world, is not us trying to make others lighter. It is us sitting in the darkness, getting to know it--deeply, and healing the darkness inside ourselves.
Where do we begin?
We get to know YOU. The YOU you may have been hiding. The YOU who may be afraid, lost, confused, and seeking answers. She is the light.
See you inside (YOU),
“Mitsunaga” means "everlasting light." It is made up of two Chinese characters: “Mitsu” 光 meaning “light” and “Naga” 永 which is short for “nagai” or “everlasting.” There is a light inside each and every one of us when we come into this world. And it is supposed to be everlasting. But life itself comes in: fear, anxiety, stress, depression, grief, and then there’s the world. It can all seem super duper overwhelming. Over time, or quite suddenly, the light inside dims or fades.
The Mitsunaga Method™ in a nutshell will help you heal at the deepest levels by:
(1) Finding the light WITHin
(2) Embodying it
(3) Doing/Being it again
“Mitsunaga” means "everlasting light." It is made up of two Chinese characters: “Mitsu” 光 meaning “light” and “Naga” 永 which is short for “nagai” or “everlasting.” There is a light inside each and every one of us when we come into this world. And it is supposed to be everlasting. But life itself comes in: fear, anxiety, stress, depression, grief, and then there’s the world. It can all seem super duper overwhelming. Over time, or quite suddenly, the light inside dims or fades.
The Mitsunaga Method™ in a nutshell will help you heal at the deepest levels by:
(1) Finding the light WITHin
(2) Embodying it
(3) Doing/Being it again
July-December 2024
We will be meeting on zoom weekly for 75 minutes/week from July-December.
Each session will be recorded and be available for a week, and then forever, on our exclusive private podcast.
The first 15 minutes will be devoted to learning a technique, concept, or a method. The next 45 minutes will be devoted to the embodiment and practice of it. The final 15 minutes will be open for questions, reflections, and takeaways.
We will decide which day of the week and time to meet once we have all of our cohort signed up.
- DEEP KNOWLEDGE AND KNOW HOW 6 months of training in and around subconscious mind work specifically around: feeling work, belief work, fear work, money work, body work, and more.
- ACCESS 75-minute training sessions once per week on zoom live and recordings forever on a private podcast
- LIFETIME APPLICATION + TRIBE A container/community for life where you will have exclusive access to all of the program tools, ask questions about the certification program, get answers, and get to hangout WITH The Mitsunaga Method™ Tribe
- CERTIFICATION A certification in The Mitsunaga Method™
- Who you are when the light shines strongest
- How to access that light again and again no matter what is happening
- Introduction to the science behind subconscious mind work
- How the subconscious mind is represented by the body
- Breathing techniques
- Mind-Body techniques
- Hypnosis techniques
- Connecting your body to your feelings
- Body-Feeling techniques
- Future Self work
- Collective Coaching Method
- Getting to the roots of your beliefs
- Family Constellations techniques
- Limiting belief work techniques
- Bottoming out your Fear
- The Fearless Protocol
- Movement > Paralysis/Stuckness
- Receiving Energy vs Giving Energy
- 101 limiting beliefs around money
- Creating a light relationship WITH money
- You identify as a woman
- You're spiritual and/or open to being more spiritual
- You're tired of feeling icky
- You're ready to grow and expand your soul and be stretched in ways you didn't think were quite possible but you're here for
- You're open and enjoyyyy having funsies while growing
- You're ready to be in receiving energy
- You're excited for more alignment (aligned life, aligned money, aligned everyyyyyything!)
- You want another certification to make you feel like you're enough
- You want to hustle and be burnt out by your life or this program
- You want to use your recent life transition as a vessel to beat yourself up
- You don't care to know or get to know your self
- You are looking for a get rich quick scheme
- You don't trust your self to succeed
Will this be ICF accredited or accredited through other coaching federations?
How much is the tuition for the certification program?
Are there payment plans?
Yes, please ask.
What will happen after the certification program?
You will be in our lifetime coaching community where you will have lifetime access to all material and our community.
If I have other certifications, should I join?
That is entirely up to you and what you feel called to do.
How much is the tuition for the certification program?
Are there payment plans?
Yes, please ask.
What will happen after the certification program?
You will be in our lifetime coaching community where you will have lifetime access to all material and our community.
If I have other certifications, should I join?
That is entirely up to you and what you feel called to do.